Oxigen starts a new development phase with new offices. Since end of January 2017, the team moved to 16 Rue Grenette, 69 002 LYON in renovated offices that will allow our team to receive and support our customers in the best conditions.
Achievements second-semester 2016
During S2 2016, Oxigen team worked on various confidential missions : Flash Financial Audit for a participation of an investment fund: Oxigen worked on request of an investment fund to achieve a flash financial audit to understand the need to recapitalize one of their participation (Turnover : € 35 m). Mission was mainly used to […]
What-became-of-them-? Abeil-Eurocomfort
Oxigen supported in 2011 the German group Eurocomfort (300 M€ Revenue) in the acquisition of Abeil activities (duvet and pillow manufacturer) and in the post-merger integration (Learn more about Eurocomfort assistance – in french) Six years later, the project is sustainable thanks to activity revitalisation, a successful diversification on the internet and some investments in […]
Oxigen Study on the outcome of collective proceedings
What outcome for the collective proceedings ? In a context of distressed companies reduction in 2016 (less than 58 000 distressed companies over one year which act a decrease of 8%), it makes sense to understand the outcome for the collective proceedings (safeguard procedure and receivership) which have been opened the past few years (2009 to 2015) […]
Achievement of a Codefi Diagnostic
Following tender process launched in March 2016, Oxigen has been mandated by a CODEFI (Departmental committee of examination for company financial problems) to make an exhaustive and comprehensive diagnosis of an SME (economical, industrial and financial aspects). The company is a locally major company. The company also solicits a spreading of its tax and social […]
Support Dimotrans Group
Once again Oxigen accompanies the Dimotrans group in achieving a strategical acquisition of a target in a complex situation: Fashion Partner group. Committed late on the case and facing a serious competing offer, Dimotrans group had to conduct investigations with a strong time pressure. These investigations had to lead to formalize and securise its proposal […]
Achievements first-quarter of 2016
During Q1 2016, Oxigen team worked on various confidential missions: Economic and Financial diagnostics for a participation of an investment fund operating on the manufacturing and distribution of interactive terminals IBR (independent business review of operating and cash forecasts) support to banking negotiations within the framework of mutual agreement procedures (adhoc mandate / conciliation) in […]
Support Maped
Oxigen accompanied the Maped group in the acquisition of Heller Joustra activities. The Maped group, world leader in the manufacture and distribution of school and office supplies, engaged in a product diversification strategy, undertook the acquisition of Heller Joustra, specialist in games (models) and creative hobbies for children. The deteriorated financial and economic situation of […]
What-became-of-them-? Wichard
In the first half 2013, Oxigen accompanied Deck Development Group (Wichard, Profurl), a world famous specialist in marine chandlery for the takeover of Groupe Losange activities (Sparcraft, Facnor), a well known manufacturer in the field of nautical equipment. The target was in difficulty (receivership). Through this acquisition, Deck Development Group has strategically expanded its presence […]
What-became-of-them-? Hub One
In the first 2010 semester, Oxigen supported managers and shareholders of Nomadvance (identification, traceability and mobility solutions) to reinforce and place under control their activities. Nomadvance registered sales of €M 25. This mission included a performance diagnosis as well as the definition and implementation of management tools. It came at a key stage in the […]