In the first half 2013, Oxigen accompanied Deck Development Group (Wichard, Profurl), a world famous specialist in marine chandlery for the takeover of Groupe Losange activities (Sparcraft, Facnor), a well known manufacturer in the field of nautical equipment. The target was in difficulty (receivership).
Through this acquisition, Deck Development Group has strategically expanded its presence on the market of bridge equipment. It allowed Groupe Losange to join a financially and industrially very credible group and thus sustain its activities. The operation also contributed Wichard to strengthen its critical mass in the market.
This mission included the reliability of the business plan, the definition of the takeover strategy and the realization of all the economic and financial documentation underlying the takeover operation performed at the Commercial Court bar.
Groupe Losange activities are now fully integrated within the group.
The whole now generates a consolidated turnover of € 31 million profitable and growing.
Oxigen whole team is delighted with this success.